Saturday 30 August 2014


This was supposed to be limited to my ramblings on food and cooking. However, One dead laptop later all progress ceased. Then, as tends to happen with things like this, I got side-tracked. All the while my little corner of the internet sat here lost and alone gathering e-dust. "E-dust", that's just my attempt at being clever BTW. So, if you're a member of one of the numerous "law enforcement" agencies that have been tasked with sifting through people's semi-private lives, please don't get your hopes up.

Now, where was I? Yes, I remember now. Mourning the death of my laptop and allowing myself to get distracted by more noble pursuits, such as (but not limited to) getting older, getting fat on the couch, and working. That last one in particular has always been a personal favourite of mine. I can only assume that anyway, considering just how much of my fucking life I've allowed it to consume. That is no way to live, not happily anyway. So I've decided to change course a bit. Hence the reason why I'm resurrecting this project of mine. I've realized though that I don't want to devote the whole thing to food. As much as I love cooking, writing about it at the exclusion of everything else just isn't enough of an outlet for the scraps of nonsense floating around in my head.

I'm still going to get to that perfect omelette though. Don't you worry.