Thursday 2 October 2014

The United States of Pants Wetters

Whatever happened to "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself?". 

Apparently the list of things that we're supposed to be wetting our pants about is as follows: ISIS, Ebola, Khorasan, Al-qaeda, Mexicans, black people (especially if they're wearing a hoodie), brown people, young people, old people and last but certainly not least, gay people. Have I missed anything? Probably, it's hard to keep up. All I know is that lately I can't escape the feeling that my country and its people are completely and utterly full of shit. Seriously. Is the US the greatest nation that ever was and ever will be? Or is it under constant threat of hyperventilating at the sight of its own shadow? You can't have both. If a nation spends over a TRILLION dollars a year on defence and yet still doesn't feel safe, I think we can safely say there's a problem. Frankly, you've lost your fucking minds. There isn't enough military might in the world to fix the problem, because the problem isn't real. 

Actually, I'll take some part of that back. There is a problem. You, the people, are the problem. Grow a pair already. 

Are you scared of getting Ebola? Well guess what? You're not going to get Ebola. You just aren't, it's as simple as that. You've got a better chance of choking to death on a fucking cheesy poof or a pretzel (just ask George Bush). 

Does the thought of terrorists keep you up at night? Guess what? You're an idiot. The odds are more in your favour of being killed by lightening than by a terrorist. That's not hyperbole. Where's the panic? Where's the congressional hearings on Zeus and his "network of death"? Why aren't Steve King and Ted "won't someone please notice me" Cruz jumping up and down about this clear and present danger??? 

We're so caught up in our little fad phobias and fears because deep down inside we know they aren't real. Because if they were, we might have to actually face them. God forbid we actually start giving a damn about things that would require real effort to fix. And don't even think about mentioning the word "sacrifice", because we just don't do that shit anymore. Instead, it's much easier to pay attention to things which allow us to justify our "fuck you, I've got mine" mentality. 

"Waaaaaa poor me, the world is scary. I'm complicated and I have problems you can't possibly understand." Fucking babies. Go choke on some snack food.